Hello everyone, I am posting an update for my Carry Strategy #4. As usual, you can monitor the performance of the two carry strategies that I am posting on this blog by clicking on the Carry strategy numbers in the label section on the right hand panel of the blog.
I will not be posting any screenshots today, because there is nothing new. The JPY is tsill going down infront of the GBP, and that's thy key for this carry strategy success. Ia m waiting to see when the GBP will start diving in front of the JPY, that's where the real test of this strategy begins.
I am not doing any carry strategies on my live account. The strategies are tested only on demo account from the pretigious broker that have all my loyalty OANDA http://ww.oanda.com
Now with the update.
Account Balance: 5,729.31
Unrealized Profit/Loss: + 3,095.10
Net Asset Value: 8,824.41
That is a total of 729$ interest since November 1st.
The account was opened on November 1st with an initial deposit of 5,000$. No trades have been made to this account at all. For further information and screen shots, just refer to my earlier post on this strategy.