Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Is this a bullish engulfing pattern? I think so.


Anonymous said...

Hi Forexanator,

You're doing a very good thing for novice traders out there who are looking for "guidance". I came across your profile at moneytec and i encourage you to keep doing your blogs.. I find your posts really useful, entertaining and yes, refreshing! You mentioned you're a novice trader, how long have you been doing it? Been doing this for 6 years and so far so good.

You can find my trade journals at under "traderpaul". my yahoo id is pd762003 or msn: This is also my email. Is this site for free? If it is, I think I'll jump on board. Cheers .. Paul

Forexenator said...

Thanks so much for these comments which really encourages me to continue my work and to continue my analysis.
May Jesus Christ bless you.