Wednesday, August 17, 2005

About the Bible verses in this blog

If you have a knife, you can either use it to cut an apply into pieces and so you would have your lunch or you would use it to cut a human being into pieces and you would be called a murderer.
I think the story is pretty much the same for the forex, you may be called a gambler if you just entered with all the money you have and with no analysis trying to pick 200 pips in one day. but with decent money management and with good risk reward ratio then you are not different from anyone opening a supermarket and trying to sell and buy some tomatoes to earn his living.
For all the people who insulted me in emails and who insulted me in the comments here, I would tell them that I will complete posting in this blog bible verses, and if anyone thinks it is blasphemous then please don't visit the blog.
Thanks as well for all those who comments about my forex analysis.
May Jesus bless you all.


Anonymous said...

I am not a "forex" trader. I happen to stumble across this site looking for blogs related to the Lord Jesus Christ and I fell upon this site. Maybe it wasn't a fall, maybe it was his divine intention?

I'm not sure what it was but I know what it is and I am speaking as a true Christian and a true soldier of God, this site is blesphemy! You must be an American, only an American would try to mix the evils of the financial industy with the beautiy of the Lord.

How can you justify an industry that promotes greed and dishonesty! Do you understand what happens when a country's currency goes in the worng direction because some banks and investors decided it was time to sell all at once? Do you know how many families get crushed because their currency is no longer worth the paper it's printed on? While you traders sit happily behind your computers some father in the Philippines or Thailand will not be able to feed or take care of his family like he once did because overnight his currency was crushed and he can't afford to buy his goods from overseas today.

I seriously doubt God's master plan was to make a few white people in America wealthy and the rest of the world their slaves?

Please end this blasphemy now! I'm sorry that I insulted you, it was wrong and I regret doing so.

I will pray for your soul tonight because you are a Christian, but I will also pray that God's spirit enters your soul and allows you to see the evils of not only the financila industry but specifically the forex industry.

Forexenator said...

First, i am still thinking you are not a Christian, Second I am way too far from America, About 17 hours by plane. Third I just can't imagine how you relate the forex trading with people who can't buy food and how you held forex resposibe for that? You know how many trillions are moving in the forex market everyday? if all the traders stopped trading in the forex then there will still be corporations and banks which have to buy and see currencies for their own investements.
Take care and God bless

Anonymous said...

Ignore him he/she/it is an idiot, for that matter they dont even sound like a Christian.
Bet they're really a muslim, hence why they obviously hate America and capitalism !!

I mean you cant get more Christian than our country. Well, I say our country but i guess your downunder anyway.... God Bless America and our way of life, and anyone who follows it American or not !

Anonymous said...

God will forgive me for this but the above anonymous person is a complete 199% idiot! Capitalism does not equal Christianity! Democracy, YES, but Capitalism NO... don't confuse the two!

Why do Americans think God only lives in America? I believe that all the phamaceuticals and Pepsi you people take has ruined your brains!

I am more of a Christian than any of you! Ask yourself, where in the bible does it speak about greed and taking advantage of people to better yourself?

Forex traders are adding fuel to the fire that hedge funds, banks, and institutions have created. If you honestly think that your little amount of money in the market isn't adding to the problem you are sadly mistaken. When judgement day comes all of you will be judged the same.

Gods arms are open to all, not a select few from America. You are disillusioned and should stop taking phamaceutical medicines because it is clouding your judgement and blocking Gods will.

Forexenator: If you don't understand how currency trading can effect a country's stability, and how a person whose busniness depends on imports might be severely effected by a collapse of their currency then you should not be trading currency.

Have you heard of the Asian crisis? Well, sir I have and I will never forget August of 1997 when my business was crushed. I was lucky but people in Thailand and other Asian countires were not so lucky. One of the main contributors to the problem was speculators like yourself.

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul. - The Bible, New Testament, Mathew 16:26.

He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house; but he that hateth gifts shall live. - The Bible, Old Testament, Proverbs 15:27.

Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied. - The Bible, Old Testament, Proverbs 27:20.