Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Daily Bible Verse

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men."
                      Matthew 5:13  (NIV)


Anonymous said...

I doubt Jesus would approve of the financial industry much less forex... moron!

I'm pretty sure if Jesus still walked the earth he'd be a communist.

Forexenator said...

Thanks for the insult, i am happy this this verse shaked you and weakened you to the extent that you have insulted me. I will be sure to write a daily bible verse every day in my blog and if you will be always welcomed to my blog to read it.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the blog and helpful info...

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure if Jesus was alive he'd call you a moron too... moron!

I mean use your head... do you honestly think that Jesus Christ the son of God would approve an industry that survives from other people's disadvantage and/or pain.

I think this site is blasphemy and I hope God sends a bolt of lightening to your house and blows your computers up!

Forexenator said...

I am sure you are not a christian at all, Christian love each other and you are trying to insult me as much as you can.
Since I opened this site and I am putting the slogan of the blog as a verse of the bible which says "freely you have received , freely give" and so I am trying to help people for free.
Posting verses in this blog doesn't contradicts any people believes simply because I am a Christian and this is my blog , I can do whatever I like with.
Secondly you talked that Jesus wouldn't approve any blog based on people's pain because you lost in the forex or you know someone who does, Actually I am one of the people who lost also in the forex but i tried to pray everyday and learn and be humble in taking the profit and I am now on the right track with God's help.

Anonymous said...

Not that you need any help with trolls 'nator, but I had to respond to "anonymous" lunacy...
That's their typical reaction to people trying to sow some good seeds...see 2 Corinthians 9:6-9:15...
And I'm pretty sure Jesus would tell "anonymous" types just what he preached in Matthew 7:23...
Good job 'nator, with the entire blog. I'll visit here often

Forexenator said...

Thanks fxtex for such kind words , I am so happy to see real beleivers sharing comments over the blog here. I am glad you liked the blog and hope to pray for me.
May Jesus Christ bless you

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